BARGAIN BILLS December Card Class-
There were some interesting techniques that I wanted to learning. So I went to the class.
I gave away the cards from the class before I had a chance to take pictures :(
But.... I took pictures of the one I made using the same techniques.
This is the card closed.
You gently pull the blue tab.
As you pull the sides come out! I made this for my co- workers
at a job I no longer work at. There were 6 co-workers so 6 penquins!
This is the inside before I wrote a note.
I would love to teach a class showing you how to make this card.
I also make and sell cards of all sorts. This card would be $5.00 each because it takes
a lot of construction time and materials. I could customize any card to say or do just about
anything so just contact me and lets get some cards made for you!!!