Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My card won!! My first win!! Cuttlebug Mania chose my card!

I am excited and surprised and excited.(yes I said that twice)  My first win!  Here is the card that won.

And a fellow playground friend Di from Pixies Crafty Workshop has not only welcomed me to her wonderful play ground but has introduced me to the "club", encouraged the lovely ladies to stop over to say hi and.... she alerted me this morning to my win.  What a wonderful friend.  She has been a super encouragement to me and my first days on the playground.  Please pop over and say hi to Di.  She would love to let you have a twirl on her favorite swing!  

All the girls have been kind and I feel the warm welcome and value of a "game player" thats not typical on a regular playground.  If you are feeling like you need new friends, start at Pixies Crafty Workshop.  You will be very glad you did.

Now I made a new card this morning and will post it tomorrow since I want this post to have its time in the center circle!  Thanks to all the people who have been supportive and helpful.  See you tomorrow, maybe in the lunch room?? (hint hint)


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!! A well deserved win friend!!


    1. Thanks Patti. I love having a big sister who cheers me on. I appreciate you!! (yes you will hear that a lot just so you will always know) I love you. Back to hoppin

  2. What sweet words Theresa! I'm delighted that you're a winner over at Cuttlebug Mania, it's a really lovely and very striking card and just perfect for the theme of butterflies. Really well deserved and it's delight having you in the Playground with us too.


    Di xx

    1. Thanks Di and it has been a delight to know you. I just posted a comment on your blog and another card you must see! http://pixiescraftyworkshop.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/happy-birthday-one-of-kind.html#comment-form
      See you on the playground again later....

  3. Well done that first win is so exciting but so well deserving with this lovely card.
    Margaret M

    1. Thanks Margaret. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I have a few blogs to visit now and yours is one of them. Just hoppin over to see what you are up to. See you on the playground...
